錦戸 典子

Nishikido Noriko

  • 教授
  • 学位:博士(保健学)



  • Undergraduate School of Medicine / Faculty of Nursing
  • Graduate School of Medicine / Course of Advanced Medical Science
  • Graduate School of Medicine / Course of Nursing


  • Good Health and Well-Being
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Partnership for the Goals



  • Life sciences Gerontological and community health nursing


<中小企業安全衛生研究会 好事例収集プロジェクト報告> 中小企業で展開されている産業保健活動の好事例の収集と今後の取り組み推進への示唆

Challenges in acquiring support for employee treatment and work balance in small- and medium-sized enterprises in Japan during COVID-19

Effectiveness of a support program for balancing treatment and work in small and medium-sized enterprises promoted by occupational health nurse using a web meeting system: A cluster randomized controlled trial

Difficulties Experienced by the Human Resources Staff and Information Assessed as Useful in Supporting Working Cancer Survivors

Development of Employees? Own Recognition and Attitude Scale Regarding Support for Balancing Medical Treatment and Work in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Factors Associated with Workers? Recognition and Attitude regarding Support for Balancing Treatment and Work in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Initiatives, Outcomes, and Facilitating Factors to Changing Workplace Environments in Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises due to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Interviews with Employers and Human Resource Managers

Current status of collaboration with public health services by occupational health nurses, and related factors


  • Differences Between Workers and Managers Regarding Recognition and Attitude Toward Treatment-Work Balance Support and Psychological safety in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises


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