本間 聡

Honma Satoshi

  • 教授
  • 学位:博士(経済学)



  • Undergraduate School of Political Science and Economics / Department of Economics
  • Graduate School of Economics / Course of Applied Economics


  • Global Environment
  • Energy Issues


  • Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Climate Action



  • Environmental Tax
  • Environmental Policy


  • Humanities & social sciences Economic policy


An empirical investigation of the balance of embodied emission in trade: Industry structure and emission abatement

Convergence in pollution terms of trade

Optimal policies for international recycling between developed and developing countries


  • Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Energy Resilience: A Case Study of Japan
  • How do energy efficiency and renewable energy impact carbon emissions in Asian economies?
  • How do energy efficiency and renewable energy impact carbon emissions in Asian economies?


Research from both sides of energy supply and demand for decarbonization scenarios in Asia

Effects of environmental regulation on productivity: International firm-level data analysis

Empirical analysis of energy efficiency and its determinants considering technology gap

Carbon dioxide emissions and environmental pollution caused by international trade: empirical analysis using industry-level world data

Empirical Analysis of Environment and Trade Based on Region LevelData for Sustainable Development of East Asia

Theoretical and Enpirical Analysis of Environmental Policy Local governments'Environmental Policy in Kyushu


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