鈴木 悠

Suzuki Yu

  • 講師
  • 学位:Ph.D



  • Undergraduate School of Political Science and Economics / Department of Political Science


  • No Poverty
  • Climate Action
  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions



  • Nineteenth Century
  • History of East Asia and Asia-Pacific
  • International and imperial history of Britain
  • International and imperial history of Japan
  • History of Anglo-Japanese relationship


  • Humanities & social sciences History - Europe/America International and imperial history of Britain (Nineteenth Century)
  • Humanities & social sciences History - Asia/Africa History of East Asia and Asia-Pacific (Nineteenth Century)
  • Humanities & social sciences History - Japan International and imperial history of Japan (Nineteenth Century)
  • Humanities & social sciences History - General History of Anglo-Japanese Relations (Nineteenth Century)


  • British Journal for Military History Managing Editor


  • Suntory Foundation Overseas Publication Grant


The British Involvement in the First Sino-Japanese War

Japan and the European Union

Anglo-Russian War-Scare and British Occupation of K?mundo, 1885–7: The Initial Phase of Globalisation of International Affairs Between Great Powers

Relationship with Distance: Korea, East Asia and the Anglo-Japanese Relations, 1876-1894

Modern Japan, Episode Zero: Japan’s Struggle for Diplomatic Equality, 1859-1894


  • Britain, Japan and China, 1876-1895 : East Asian international relations before the First Sino-Japanese War


  • Panel: Modern Japan's Diplomatic Dilemma between China and the West before World War I: Nation-Building, Immigration, and Culture
  • Early Diplomatic Reactions of Qing China and Meiji Japan Against Anti-Asian Discrimination in the Pacific, 1868-95


  • History of International Politics
  • Political History of the Western World
  • Analysis of Foreign Media
  • HY116 (International History since 1890)
  • HTST 315 (History of East Asia to 1800)


Origins of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance and Public Opinion

The Origins of Anglo-Japanese Alliance and Public Opinion, 1895-1902

Korea, East Asia and Anglo-Japanese Relationship, 1876-1894

Anglo-Japanese Negotiation for Treaty Revision, 1859-1894


  • HY509 (International History Research Seminar for the Postgraduate Students), London School of Economics and Political Science
  • 7th History Ph.D Conference and Workshop, Department of International History, London School of Economics and Political Science


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